GetButton Widget

GetButton widget allows you to place a button on your website that helps your website visitors to write instant messengers to your company. The widget is a set of buttons.


You can add the following buttons to the widget:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Whatsapp
  • Viber
  • Snapchat
  • Line
  • Telegram
  • Vkontakte
  • SMS (only for mobile)
  • Call
  • Email
  • Instagram

Wechat and other messengers are not available.

GetButton PRO Features

  • change the color of the main button to Gray, Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Black
  • change the position to the bottom Left or Right corner of your website
  • change call to action message
  • add ten buttons to the widget
  • choose any custom color for the button
  • enable greeting message
  • add your company logo to the Greeting Message
  • place the widget anywhere on your site, adjusting the position vertically and horizontally
  • choose where to use the widget: on mobile, on desktop, or everywhere
  • track clicks in Google Analytics

Greeting message

Appears in 5 seconds after the page load once in 24 hours for every unique visitor.

Call to action

Appears only on desktop devices.

Check this article about creating the widget:

Install widget

After you add channels and customize the appearance of the widget, you need to generate its code.
Enter your email to receive the code, and then click on the 'Get code' button. You can immediately copy the widget code from the site or later from email.

Insert the widget code inside the <body>...</ body> section of each page of your site where you want the widget to appear.

Private Key

After purchasing the widget, you will receive a private key on your email.

You need to enter a key to activate the widget PRO features.

Lost or not received Private key
Check your email carefully. It is possible that the email with the code accidentally got into spam.

Use this link to restore the key: Lost your Key?

Or email us at, specify the account number, which begins with the letters WHA... and your email.


Please read our instructions on how to add a plugin to your CMS.


  • How to edit a widget?
    Visit our website or plugin settings, and make changes. After that, you need to generate and copy a new code and paste it into the site in place of the old one.

  • How to remove a widget?
    You must remove the code from the site or application. If it did not disappear after deletion, clear the cache.

  • And what about personal data?
    The widget does not save any personal user data. All user data is stored in a particular messenger, with which the person agreed, registering in it in the messenger.

  • How to fix the blank box chat problem
    By default, we use your Facebook Page logo in the greeting message. Unfortunately, Facebook sometimes changes an image URL, so that causes the issue. Please read this article to solve the problem.

  • Can I add multiple Facebook pages?
    The widget has a restriction - 1 button for each messenger. If you need different buttons for different sites or instant messengers, you need to generate the codes separately.